Nullable attributes

You can change the way an attribute is treated when the value null is assigned to it by using the nullable option with the value true, this would affect the way the attribute is defaulted, coerced, validated and serialized.

If you do not set the nullable option it will default to false and automatically make your attribute non-nullable.

Nullability and default option

Non-nullable attributes with the value null will fallback to the value set as default the same way undefined does. But if the attribute is nullable, it will only fallback to the default if its value is undefined.

const User = attributes({
  name: {
    // automatically non-nullable
    type: String,
    default: 'Some string',
  nickname: {
    type: String,
    nullable: false,
    default: 'Some other string',
})(class User {});

const userA = new User({ name: null, nickname: null });
userA.attributes; // { name: 'Some string', nickname: null }

const userB = new User({ name: null, nickname: undefined });
userB.attributes; // { name: 'Some string', nickname: 'Some other string' }


Non-nullable values will fallback to their null-equivalent values. More details about it can be found at the coercion section. Nullable attributes will remain null as described in the section above.

 * User.js
const User = attributes({
  name: {
    type: String,
    nullable: true,
  nickname: {
    // automatically non-nullable
    type: String,
    empty: true,
  age: Number, // << automatically non-nullable
  active: Boolean, // << automatically non-nullable
  createdAt: Date, // << automatically non-nullable
})(class User {});

const user = new User({
  name: null,
  nickname: null,
  age: null,
  active: null,
  createdAt: null,

// Only non-nullable values are coerced to their null-equivalent values
user.attributes; // { name: null, nickname: '', age: 0, active: false, createdAt: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z }
user.validate(); // { valid: true }

Nullable optional attributes

When you set an optional attribute to be nullable you are choosing not to assign a default value for it when instantiating your structure passing null as the value of this attribute, so the actual value will be null and will be considered valid.

 * User.js
const User = attributes({
  name: {
    type: String,
    nullable: true,
})(class User {});

const user = new User({
  name: null,

user.attributes; // { name: null }
user.validate(); // { valid: true }

Nullable required attributes

We consider that when an attribute is required there should be some value assigned to it even if it's undefined, null or any other value. It means that coercion will never assign a default value to required attributes even if nullable option is false.

 * User.js
const User = attributes({
  name: {
    type: String,
    required: true,
    nullable: false, // non-nullable required attribute
})(class User {});

const user = new User({
  name: null,

user.attributes; // { name: null }
user.validate(); // { valid: false }

But notice that you can choose to allow null values on required attributes which will cause the validation to return true.

 * User.js
const User = attributes({
  name: {
    type: String,
    required: true,
    nullable: true,
})(class User {});

const user = new User({
  name: null,

user.attributes; // { name: null }
user.validate(); // { valid: true }

Nullability and serialization

Usually an attribute with the value undefined or null is not included when you serialize your structure. But when it is nullable and its value is null, this attribute is going to be returned in your serialized schema.

const User = attributes({
  name: {
    type: String,
    nullable: false,
  nickname: {
    type: String,
    nullable: true,
})(class User {});

const user = new User({ name: undefined, nickname: null });
user.toJSON(); // { nickname: null }


  • Notice that by not using the nullable option the default value for String is an empty string, which means that you need to accept empty strings to make your schema valid.

Last updated